Sunday, February 22, 2009

Yay for word games!

I found a word game at B&N tonight that was 75% off. The grand total at check out was $6.66 (score!). The game is called word spot, it's sort of like boggle...but different. Anyway, I'm excited! I <3 word games!

In other news....

-I stuffed myself silly at olive garden with soup and salad

- Both loads of laudry got done

- Allergies and/or a head cold have finally invaded....grrr

- I'm wondering what would make a unique and creative gift for someone who will be in the hospital a few days? I couldn't think of much tonight except for fuzzy comfy socks(ideas gladly accepted.

- Garnet is an awesome energizing stone!

Soooooo.......I guess that's it for now!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Chocolate frosting covered memories....

of the way we were.......(it's a me and Patrice thing)

I was picking up and rearranging some things in my home office when I came across a leather journal. I used to write a ton and have a bunch of half filled journals, but I couldn't remember what was in that particular one so I opened it up to see what was in it.

When I went to field camp in 2003, I was shopping with some of the other girls and we saw these leather bound journals. We thought it might be fun to buy them and have people write in them, sort of like year books at the end of the school year.

What I found in my little leather bound journal was a snap shot of the end of field camp, after spending 6 weeks with the same 17 people out in the wilderness. As I read through each entry I was temporarily transported back 5.5 years. I could hear the voice and laughter of each author in my head.

The whole experience was intensly nostalgic. I miss camping with my geology buddies! Besides field camp, I went on many a field trip and camping trip with the people who also went to my field camp. I miss going to random road out crops and finding great rocks. I miss the days where going on a 5 day camping trip was required.

I've been camping twice in the past 1.75 years. I don't know any other geologists in Colorado. I worked so much last summer that when I was home, I was too tired to do anything.

My life is going in more directions than I ever thought possible. I don't regret the dicisions I made and the actions I took to get where I am now.
What I am realizing though is that I need to sit down and really evaluate the things I want in my life, and what priority those things will take. By nature I try to do everything, which is cool because I have done and tried a bunch of different things. I don't know if I will ever stop trying to everything, but I think I need to allow myself to take time for things like camping that I'd like to do a lot more of.

It's funny that just reading through that journal allowed me to totally change my perspective on my life in such a short time.

I'm thinking too much at the moment to write coherently...thanks for reading!