Monday, July 30, 2007

What's the deal with ladies in the bathroom?!?!?

Several times during my trip to and from California, I've had to wait an unusually loooong time to use the bathroom, specifically bathrooms with only 1 little toilet. I imagine that most of the time, woman don't need to be in the bathroom THAT long and that they're just messing with their hair. I just pee and leave because I'm assuming that the other ladies in line behind me have to go just as bad as I did and I leave any hair or makeup touch ups until I can get to the car and mess with the mirror on the visor.

Be considerate to your fellow ladies, pee and leave, just pee and leave!!!!!!!!


Notes from the Road: NW California to come soon!


Chrissy said...

i was wondering where you had disappeared to! Looking forward to hearing about your Cali adventures...

Some old bee-yatch said...

I couldn't agree more. I'm quite proud of my ability to enter and leave a restroom at record speed. Who wants to hang out in a bathroom for very long anyways?

All that I can say is thank goodness for men's bathrooms! True, they are disgusting...but always empty.

Can't wait to hear about Cali!