Sunday, September 28, 2008

Slowing Down

I just got back from a job in Germany on Thursday afternoon. Since I've been back, I have felt like there are a thousand things to get done. I have developed a way of thinking recently which I'm not excited about.....when I get home from a job I have about 2 weeks to cram in as much stuff as possible, whether that be spending time with friends, cleaning the house, paying bills- whatever. Yesterday, I had a list in mind of things I wanted to accomplish before I left to go on a date with K. One of those things involved walking to the store and gettng some things.
The walk to and from the store was gorgeous! It was sunny and the temperature was perfect,and I thought to myself....I don't want to be stuck inside all day! I totally abandoned my list of things to do and left for K's place.
This morning I woke up around 4:30 and couldn't go back to sleep. The list of things that need ot be done popped back into my mind. Because I'm tired and lack the motivation to start cleaning and doing other things that need to be done, I thought what would happen if I didn't do any of the list today? What if I just enjoy the afternoon I have planned with a friend of mine?
I'm trying to figure out why, if I'm not doing something that 'needs' to be done, do I feel guilty about it?

I have decided this morning that for these few weeks I'm home I'm going to change how I do things. I'm not going to try and cram every little thing that 'needs'
to be done, and every activity that comes up into the time I'm at home.

I barely had a break before leaving for Germany, worked a ton of overtime before leaving for Germany, worked my ass off in Germany, and I think it's time I let myself off the hook a little.

That is the conclusion I have come to this morning.

I will post some road notes from TX and Germany later.


Zay said...

Marcy, you are a mover and a shaker. :) Take the time to smell the flowers, deserve it.

Chrissy said...

i do the same thing with lists and chores. if you figure out how to slow down without freaking out, let me know!

can't wait to see pics of germany!

Marcy said...

Hey guys, thanks for the validation. Chrissy- I had to actually believe I needed the time...I used to only half believe it. That and knowing that if I don't mop the floor (or various osther things) until Friday nothing bad will happen:)

KB said...

Germany?! Wow. I'm so jealous.