Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I'm really frustrated. I just spent a freaking hour trying to figure out how to enter some things for my taxes. I am normally not that dense, but I've barely been sleeping lately.
I went to bed around 2am last night and was woken up by the bastard train conductor at 6:30am.
The past 3 or 4 nights I haven't been going to bed until around 1am and getting up around 7:45am.
Before that, I would "sleep" from about 11pm until about 7:45am. When I say sleep, I was technically not conscious, but I didn't really rest either.

When I wake up I feel like I can't get out of bed. When I finally do get out of bed I'm fine and am not particularly tired during the day, but I just don't feel right.


I can't put into words all the abstract thoughts that are floating by at the moment....I just want to feel normal again.


1 comment:

KB said...

Ewww. Sleep deprivation is the worst. Its always amazing to me that the things that stress me out when I'm tired, don't bother me one bit when I'm well rested.