Monday, March 9, 2009

Self Perception

Self perception can be a touchy topic depending on the person. I don't believe myself to be particularly touchy about most things, but I must admit I'm a little...confused about somethings I recently saw on facebook.

Here's the deal, you add this image as a photo in a photo album then tag the little characters with your friends who most closely match the personalities listed.

In photo to the right I was tagged as the evil mastermind.

In the photo to the left I was tagged as the one that's up to no good.

Now, I don't think of my self as an evil mastermind, and I certainly don't believe that I'm always up to no good.

In fact, I'm a little bit hurt/offended.

I realize that this may sound a little silly, I mean, it's a stupid facebook thing, right?

Perhaps when those friends of mine who posted those photos remebered me having that personality trait back in the day, or it was just a funny thing to do, or there was no thought in it really....I don't know.

All I know is that the personalities picked out for me in no way reflect the person I am now or the person I am becoming.

Here's how I think of myself now: motivated, creative, responsible, giving, helpful, caring, encouraging, ambitious, loyal, and generally a good person. All the qualities I've listed are things I wanted to become and am still striving to accomplish.

I'm also impatient, occasionally obnoxious, a little tempramental, self doubting, and somewhat unorganized.

I'm not fishing for compliments here or asking for sympathy...I merely had to get this off my chest.

I'll be the first to admit that I have more thouroughly developed many of the better qualities after I left college, and that most people I talked to on the internet now don't know who I am now.

Thanks for listening. You may now return to your previously schedualed reading material:)


Chrissy said...

i knew you in college, and i never thought of you as up to no good or an evil mastermind. well, unless you count your time on the roller derby track. :) it can be hard to change and grow when people refuse to see you for anything other than the person you were. i wouldn't worry about it too much - in your present moment, you are all the good qualities you listed, and i'm sure the people in your present moment recognize that. it's easy to see, even though a blog!


Some old bee-yatch said...

Tell them to suck it!